A place to meet like minded people....PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO

so good to see you here. My blog is an opportuity to connect with you in a more personal way.
Today I a would like to tell you about a new type of event that I am starting up at my studio. PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO. I have run my school for 25 years and have created and presented many types of events at the studio. Way back in the 90's (lol) I presented Dialogue on Dance, which featured presentacions on flamenco dance in a lecture style.
Mercado Flamenco, is a market place to sell new and used flamenco ítems. My first one was in 2000 and Menkes New York came to sell some of thier shoes as well as others came from far and wide to sell or buy flamenco ítems. As well I have done informal peformances Juerga Flamenca's at the end of each term to give students an opportunity to present works in progress. This by the way, wll start again this year. Keep checking the Events page.
PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO is an event that will feature peformances, discussions, tastings, markets, movies, music and what ever peaks our curiosity in flamenco. Below I have attached the information from my eventbrite page. There you will find out all the details on the WHO, WHAT, WHERE AND WHEN.
As you may not know, I am a comletely independant artist that is not on any funding to support these types of events. I am looking for a few volunteers to assist with refreshment stand, box office, Ushers, set up/clean up crew. Let me know if you can help out. It's greatly appreciated. :)
As you can tell, I am passsionate about two things....People and Flamenco. Flamenco has been part of my life since I can remember. It's not what I do, but what I'm about. When I travel outside of Toronto for my work I am always so delighted to meet with the most unsuspecting people in flamenco. People from all walks of life, ages and stages , gender orientations and abilities! PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO is a place where you can meet like minded people, who share a common interest in flamenco; an art form that originated from a community of people looking to belong. There are no limitations and no barriors. The door is open. Welcome to PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO !
PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO is a new performance-presentation-social initiative that focuses on flamenco in a very intimate setting. PEÑA means "club" therefor, this is a place of community. An "open-door" to meet new or reaquaint with people who share the same passion for flamenco as you do.
Curated by Carmen Romero, Artistic Director of THE SCHOOL OF FLAMENCO DANCE ARTS; the format will change from time to time, inviting artists to perform or give special talks. As well, we will present movies, have discussions or a tapas fair. Who knows, it's all apart of exploring all things related to flamenco.
Keep up to date with what´s happening on our website CARMENROMERO.CA
Saturday September 9th is our first event. Click on each artists link to find out more about them.
British native, Josie Sinnadurai, is our special guest artist from Berlin, Germany. Along with Cantaora Silvia Temis, Flamenco guitarist Banjamin Barrile and myself Carmen Romero look forward to presenting a traditional flamenco performance from the heart.
As well as it is the begining of the Flamenco School Year we will have MERCADO FLAMENCO starting at 7pm-8:30pm. (cash only please). If you have something to sell please contact me ASAP. carmen@carmenromero.ca
You will be able to pick up some new and used shoes, skirts, tops, fans, castanets and other flamenco accesories and art!
Come along, bring a friend, family or a group as a meet-up. The door is open. Welcome to PEÑA FLAMENCA ROMERO!
Carmen Romero