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Thank you for your confidence in Compañía Carmen Romero, as we work together to maintain safety while discovering our passion for flamenco!

Part of that is understanding the risks and responsibilities of taking flamenco classes in a time of COVID.


Compañía Carmen Romero has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, Compañía Carmen Romero cannot guarantee that you or anyone accompanying you will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending activities associated with Compañía Carmen Romero, including rental of studio space, could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.


By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending the studio or rehearsal or performance spaces associated with Compañía Carmen Romero, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 through activities associated with Compañía Carmen Romero, including renting studio space, may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Compañía Carmen Romero employees, instructors, volunteers, and class participants and their families.


I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to myself and any damage, loss, liability, or expense of any kind, that I may incur in connection with my attendance at the studio or activities associated with Compañía Carmen Romero.


I agree not to make a claim against Compañía Carmen Romero, its employees, instructors, agents, and representatives, over any damages due to a COVID-19 infection related to participation in any activities associated with Compañía Carmen Romero, including studio space rental. This includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of Compañía Carmen Romero, its employees, agents, and representatives. 


Participating in classes at home

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Compañía Carmen Romero is recording each class to allow students to participate virtually through Zoom or other software.


While Compañía Carmen Romero takes precautions to ensure the privacy and digital safety of participants or their families, for instance through password-protected sessions, Compañía Carmen Romero cannot make any guarantees, as the software and actions of other participants and their friends and family is outside our control.  


I understand that Compañía Carmen Romero, its employees, instructors, agents, and representatives, are not liable for any digital safety issues due to virtual classes. 


I understand that Compañía Carmen Romero, its employees, instructors, agents, and representatives, are not liable for any injury I may sustain participating in class from home.

Studio safety rules

I agree to adhere to safety rules at the studio and during activities associated with Compañía Carmen Romero, which may change as further public-health information becomes available. These include: 

  • Wearing a face covering, such as a mask, that covers my mouth and nose 

  • Asking those accompanying me to stay outside the building

  • Coming prepared for class to the extent possible to limit time and space spent changing

  • Leaving outdoor shoes in the hall to minimize bringing in microbes and dirt

  • Bringing only purses or valuable items into the studio … other items can be left with your shoes. 

  • Sanitizing my hands any time before entering the studio, including re-entering (sanitizer is provided in reception)

  • Maintaining a two-metre distance between myself and others 

  • Limiting the number of people in the reception area to two people

  • Participating in classes from home (online) if I have any symptoms of illness, whether related to COVID-19 or not 

  • Notifying Compañía Carmen Romero if I or any member of my household contracts COVID-19 or has come into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. I agree to take classes from home for two weeks after this

  • Entering and exiting by the appropriate doors designated by Compañía Carmen Romero.


Classes continue online if required for safety

Compañía Carmen Romero follows the requirements of the government and public health in opening the studio and putting on performances. If there is another government-mandated lockdown, classes will continue online and performances may be cancelled or moved to a virtual format.


Because classes will continue online, there will be no refund for classes in the event the studio is closed due to factors related to COVID-19.

This waiver must be read and signed (in print or electronically) before participating in any activities associated with Compañía Carmen Romero, including studio space rental.

First Name

Last Name

Email Address



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