Fall Flamenco Class Schedule is OUT!!!
We are currently just four weeks shy of starting the Fall Term. Where did the summer go?
I am starting a new castanets only class and probably the only one in Canada where you will learn to read sheet music for Castanets!
In 2014, I was awarded a Canada Council Grant to participate in the Only Castanet Festival in the world in Girona, Spain. I performed my piece "May I join you?" at their festival yet also participated in the Castanet workshop where I learned to read sheet music for Castanets. I had no previous experience reading music so I was a bit nervous. After a week of wearing my castanets non stop for 5 hours a day, I learned not only how to read castanet sheet music, yet also performed with the ensemble for the grand Performance.
Here is and excerpt of me performing May I join you? in Girona, Spain.
So if you are considering taking the castanet class, but are worried about not knowing how to read music, no worries, I'll help you along.
Otherwise I am posting the New Fall Schedule here. If you have any questions please email me. Also, I am offering a 5% Discount if you register for a Fall Term class by August 30th, 2016.

See you all real soon!